2 Quotes & Sayings By Chris E Martinez

Born in San Diego, CA, Chris grew up in a military family and moved around a lot. He discovered his passion for writing fiction at 17 while working at a local bookstore. He attended the University of Southern California, where he studied English and literature, only to discover that he was falling in love with writing even more than he already did. In his sophomore year, he wrote his first novel, The Brotherhood of the Jackal Read more

It was published by Del Rey Books in 2009. In 2012 he started a blog detailing his life as an author and his experiences with living in Los Angeles. He enjoys writing about the experience of being a young man in LA while also discussing various other topics such as religion, politics, current events, and current pop culture.

Chris grew up going to church every Sunday while growing up in San Diego County. After college he started going to church less often until 2011 when he became an atheist.